Guidelines for Use of DOM Equipment and Facilities
- The Denver Open Media facilities are a shared space. Users must respect the needs of other members and representatives/clients of the other building inhabitants. Members are expected to make sure their guests follow all rules and procedures, and Code of Conduct for DOM. Members will be held accountable for the actions of their guests.
- All Basic and Studio Access may reserve one edit station per day.
- Classes offered at Denver Open Media certifies members to use DOM equipment and facilities covered in the Field and in Studio classes.
- Once certified, you can rent DOM equipment at the reduced rate, or you can purchase a DOM membership. Studio Access Members can check-out DOM equipment at a discounted rate provided that use complies with the Member and Content Agreement and as follows:
- DOM Field Certified - Individuals may reserve field equipment at a 50% discounted rate. Rentals are made either on a 24-hour period, from Tuesday-Saturday, or for a 48-hour period from Saturday-Monday (we do not charge for Sunday, as we are not open).
- DOM Studio Certified - Individuals may reserve one studio for up to 3 hours. All DOM members are allowed to be camera crew and non-members can be “shadow camera crew” up to 2 times before membership is required. Studio users must follow the studio policies.
- If you are accessing our equipment through your DOM membership, all material you create using DOM equipment must comply with our Content Agreement and be non-commercial in nature and be submitted to air on our channels with a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike license. If your material is commercial in nature and/or cannot air on our station, you must rent our equipment at the commercial rates.
- If you are accessing our equipment through your DOM membership, NEITHER YOU NOR YOUR CREW MAY BE PAID TO PRODUCE YOUR VIDEO PROJECT. If you are getting paid you must rent the equipment at the COMMERCIAL rates. Certain exceptions are made for nonprofit organizations, based on project proposals. Please see our Station Director for more information.
- Uncertified people cannot touch DOM equipment except where the shadow policies apply, see 2, Studio Membership.
- All payments are due up front, and a copy of a credit card and drivers license and deposit may be required.
Making Reservations
To make a reservation you must have an active membership, the proper certifications, and an active project. All equipment and studio time must be reserved via the website and should be done in advance. DOM will provide computer and Internet access for members needing to make online reservations. Drop-ins are allowed, but the same rules of use apply.
How We Utilize Rental Dollars
Denver Open Media is a project of Open Media Foundation, a Denver-based non-profit organization whose mission is to put the power of media into the hands of the people. Dollars collected from equipment rentals help to fund Denver Open Media's operating & capital costs, like enriching our educational programs, membership services, equipment offerings, and paying for building-related expenses.