Denver Open Media (DOM) is open to and used by members of our community holding diverse viewpoints and of varying age groups, thus, DOM seeks to provide an atmosphere that is safe and comfortable for all both online and in our facilities. To this end, producers are encouraged to exchange ideas with each other in a civil and tolerant manner. DOM's Code of Conduct and Behavior is designed to help ensure that all persons at DOM, staff, producers and visitors alike, are treated with courtesy and respect. Everyone has an obligation to behave in a manner that does not disrupt the operation of DOM or the ability of others to use the website or facilities.
Members are also responsible for the conduct of their guests, visitors, talent, and crew when using the facilities. Members are expected to help monitor use of equipment and facilities and to report neglect, abuse, theft, or misuse of DOM's facilities and equipment to DOM staff. Members are also expected to help monitor DOM's website to report technical problems, content that violates the Content Ingest Legal Agreement, and/or the Code of Conduct. The identification of persons disclosing such information will be kept confidential to the extent practicable or supported by law. DOM reserves the right to take or refrain from taking any action with regard to equipment usage to comply with applicable law and ensure compliance with the production facilities policy and the Denver Open Media Guidelines for Equipment Use.
Anyone who feels that she/he has been treated unfairly by a member of the staff should submit a written complaint to the Station Director. If the matter has not been resolved within a reasonable timeframe, then producers may submit a written complaint to the Chief Operating Officer of the Open Media Foundation, hr@openmediafoundation.org.
DOM Code of Conduct and Behavior
The following are examples of conduct which are prohibited.
- Smoking in the facilities
- Entering the facilities without a shirt or shoes
- Bringing persons under the age of 18 years to the facility, unless supervised by an adult at all times
- Possessing food or beverages in any restricted area
- Loitering on the property
- Making false or misleading statements on any OMF/DOM document or to OMF staff
- Possessing, using or dispensing any illegal substance
- Unauthorized possession, consumption or dispensing of alcoholic beverages
- Unauthorized possession, consumption or dispensing of cannabis products
- Possession of any weapon, explosive or other dangerous material
- Conduct, intentional or unintentional, that could or does result in physical injury to others and/or destruction of property
- Theft or attempted theft of personal belongings, materials, supplies or equipment
- Entering or attempting to enter locked offices, areas, files or records, and/or unauthorized use of any office, computers or other equipment, including telephones
- Physical violence, or the threat of physical violence
- Rude, discourteous or raucous behavior such as screaming, yelling or cursing
- Activities or conduct which disrupt the activities or operations of OMF/DOM or the ability of others to conduct business
- Derogatory language about an individual or group (as determined in OMF/DOM's sole discretion)
- Harassment, including sexual harassment, of any employee, user or guest of DOM/OMF
- Sexual activity or obscene conduct in the facility
- Nudity (as determined in OMF/DOM's sole discretion) anywhere in the facility
- Activities that may result in unsafe or unsanitary conditions
- Unauthorized consumption, distribution or sale of alcohol, cannabis or illegal substances
- Any other inappropriate behavior (as determined by DOM/OMF in its sole discretion)
Disciplinary Actions
Open Media Foundation (OMF) staff are responsible for the safe and proper operation of the facilities, ensuring that equipment is used in compliance with DOM's franchise agreement with the City of Denver, and enforcing DOM's Code of Conduct. Accordingly, directions and instructions from staff are to be followed at all times and failure to do so may result in immediate expulsion and/or future restrictions on access to DOM facilities and website. Generally, discipline for infractions of the Conduct Code will be progressive in nature (e.g., written warning, followed by a suspension, followed by permanent termination of access rights - generally a Three Strikes You're Out Policy). However, depending on the nature and severity of the violation, OMF reserves the right to impose whatever discipline it deems appropriate in the circumstances and may proceed to terminate an individual's access rights without prior warning.
Notification of Disciplinary Action
When possible, OMF will notify the individual who has been cited for a written infraction in writing within 10 business days and state the disciplinary action to be taken. Such notification shall also indicate any conditions for the reinstatement of the user's privileges. When dealing with online infractions, the user or IP address will be blocked displaying the reason for the block and the length of the block.
Appeals Process
If a member wishes to appeal a disciplinary action, he or she may do so in writing, addressed to OMF's Executive Director. The Executive Director will attempt to respond to the appeal promptly, usually within ten (10) business days. In the event a producer is not satisfied with the results of his or her appeal to the Executive Director, he or she may send a written appeal to OMF's Board of Directors which will review the Executive Director's decision. Any disciplinary action will remain in effect pending the outcome of an appeal.