Exporting MP3 from audio files on a CD

  1. When you insert the CD into the player, iTunes should prompt you to import the CD. Select NO, but keep iTunes open.

    1. Make sure all the tracks, artist, genre and album information is filled out correctly in the iTunes window. (If it’s not, click “CD Info.” Complete all fields possible. Uncheck the bottom box. Click “ok.”)

  2. If you want to name each track, do so manually by doing a long left click on each track title, delete the incorrect title, and type the correct title. Title CANNOT start with a number, cannot use spaces, and cannot use symbols. Rename, if needed. Underscores are ok. 

  3. Click “Import CD” and an “Import Settings” box will pop up. Change “Import Using” to MP3 Encoder. Change “Setting” to “Higher Quality (192 kbps).” Click “ok” and wait for the tracks to import.

  4. To find your songs, type the name of any track in the search bar at the top right corner. Make sure the “In Library” button is highlighted.

  5. Hold down the control key, click on the name of any track, and select “Show in Finder.” Or drag all tracks to Desktop and proceed to upload from there.

  • If you have or would like to add a customized outro to your tracks, follow this guide.


Once you have all your audio files ready, go back up to the black bar at the top and hover over “Shows.” Click on “Submit new show.”

Complete the following fields:

  1. Project: In the dropdown menu, select the project that you just made (if you still need to make one click here)

  2. Media file: Select “Audio”

  3. Media format: Keep as HD

  4. Audio file: Select your file from the file location and click “upload.” NOTE: Audio files must be in MP3 format. Title CANNOT start with a number, cannot use spaces, and cannot use symbols. Rename, if needed. Underscores are ok.


  5. Album Cover: If desired, select file and click “upload.”

  6. Show Title: Enter the title of the song/piece

  7. Locally Produced: Select whether the content was created locally or not

  8. Complete or update Metadata Fields

    1. Acceptable Radio Themes:

      1. Music: Classical, Solo Instrument, & Vocal

      2. Music: Dance/Electronic

      3. Music: Folk, Country & Bluegrass

      4. Music: Hip-Hop, R&B, & Jazz

      5. Music: Latin & World

      6. Music: Rock, Indie, Punk, & Post

      7. Neighborhood & Community Events

      8. Poetry, Comedy, & Avant-Garde

      9. Talk Radio, News, & Culture

    2. Genre

    3. Rating

    4. Language

  9. Add your desired visual to Show Thumbnail to be sure it appears with the audio content

  10. Click “Save” when finished

Finally: relax, listen and share your content with family and friends. Ask them to vote on your songs/pieces so your work gets more airtime on 92.9 FM / 89.3 HD3. When you post on social media, be sure to tag Open Media Foundation and Denver Open Media!