The Denver Open Media facilities are a shared space. Users must respect the needs of other members and representatives/clients of the other building inhabitants. Members are expected to make sure their guests follow all rules and procedures, and Code of Conduct for DOM. Members will be held accountable for the actions of their guests. All equipment used under a DOM membership, whether free or at reduced member rates, must be used to create programming that will air on DOM channels.
DOM Members
Are welcome to use DOM computers to ingest content and access basic computer application, but you will not be given any assistance in using any post-production or graphics applications unless you have taken the classes first and upgrade your membership. Assistance will be happily given to those ingesting content.
Members should reserve computers in advance via the website reservation system to ensure availability. Walk-ins are welcome during our normal operating hours but members must make a reservation before use.
Show Submission
Log in to a computer as DOM Ingest, this gives members access to all the tools needed to ingest programs, including MPEG Streamclip and the Ingest Server. Please save any working files on the desktop. The desktop will be cleared off after each session.