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In Project: Brainiacs

The Colorado Center for the Blind held its 3rd Annual PROM for All on June 22, 2013, so we attended, shot some nice video of Miranda and Parker all duded up, as well as proof that blind people can dance, as we have said before. Also, a special demo of Hawaiian dancing included lessons for all.

The latter half of the hour is given to considering the differences between an OLD Psychiatric dictionary (worthy of kindling) and American Jurisprudence PROOF OF FACTS, volume 30, regarding brain trauma from concussions through contusions and on into hematomas, etc., found in the federal law library in Denver.

Paula discovers that the terms "coup" and "contrecoup" are described under "contusions," as well as other criteria related to the frontal orbital area around the skull surrounding the eye. Details regarding unconsciousness indicate not only that brain trauma can occur without unconsciousness, but also that unconsciousness of 15 minutes or more is related to contusions. ALSO that proper care after any unconsciousness would be to observe the person for 24 hours to be sure there is no hematoma or other internal bleeding that could result in severe disability or death. To Paula, this indicates once again that her employer, U.S. Home Corporation/Lennar Corporation, did not follow obligatory safety requirements in her case.

Further, the Triple Tessla MRI brainscan showing "focal" areas of T2 hyperintensity in the white subcortical matter of her left frontal lobe correlates with and confirms the SPECT brainscans that Dr. Hipskind was prevented from interpreting in the worker's comp hearings by ALJ Michael Harr for no apparent GOOD CAUSE SHOWN of C.R.S. 8-43-210. The SPECT brainscans of BrainMatters Inc. include references to the frontal orbital damages, thus also correlating with the Triple Tessla MRI brainscan of Feb. 2011 at Exempla Lutheran Diagnostic Center in Wheat Ridge.

Paula concludes she had a contusion, not just a mild concussion, and has suffered discrimination from Colorado's worker's compensation division and Office of Administrative Courts.

Published: 6/29/2013 0 Comments
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Producer: prhoads
Locally Produced: Local Production
Theme: Community Issues and Advocacy
In Project: Brainiacs
License: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Generic
Rating: TV-G
Language: English