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Pikes Peak Challenge
In Project: Brainiacs

Saturday's Indian dancing at the Denver Public Library today is free at this Pow Wow until 5 pm. If you can't get out, here's the Gourd Dance performed just this morning.

Then we'd like to encourage the 450 hikers climbing 14 miles up the side of Pike's Peak for the Pike's Peak Challenge today, right now!!!!

While they sweat and groan, we sit in a comfortable studio with candybars. But we'd like to introduce you to Tony and Pete Bruno, people we originally met on Pike's Peak in 2007, who may have had a very strong impact on discouraging the "sport" of boxing, which is aimed at causing damage to your opponent's brain. Recent news that a local kid's boxing club is reconsidering its sport is encouraging.

Also, Judy Dettmer, whose speech we taped in 2007 at the annual Brain Injury Alliance of Colorado Conference in October, is rumored to be one of the hikers today. Here's what she had to say in 2007 about CSU research she did with Dr. Pat Sample. VERY INTERESTING math problem there, Judy.

Also, we taped Dr. Cilo in 2007, and though he has passed away since then, we think his basic education on brain injury is very useful today and for years to come.

The Pike's Peak Challenge donations can be made to pikespeakchallenge.com or the biacolorado.org website. Or to 303-355-9969.

The funds go to help survivors of traumatic brain injuries, to educate the public, and for research to accomplish greater advances in treating brain injury.

We know Gavin Attwood is probably already at the summit, but this week he reported progress to the HANGOUT, including last year's Senate Bill 40 to educate coaches about brain injury symptoms in players.

Remember, prevention is the best course, because it's cheaper (duh?) and that helmet could save you from being disabled for the rest of your life. Thanks for your donations.

Published: 9/10/2011 0 Comments
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Producer: prhoads
Locally Produced: Local Production
Theme: Community Issues and Advocacy
In Project: Brainiacs
License: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Generic
Rating: TV-G
Language: English