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Judge Harr
In Project: Brainiacs

In this September 24, 2011 Brainiacs show, we show you evidence of Judge Michael Harr's conflict of interest in Paula's worker's comp case because she was employed by his brother.

Also, some pretty Elk Fest video from 2010 between Paula's discussions of various topics, including Colorado's continual refusal to provide timely psychiatric evaluations for the mentally ill with criminal charges, recently reported in the Denver Post.

Also, with school reform ongoing in Montbello, Paula attempts to discuss racial attitudes becoming slander or libel, and shows several items tracing her history in the subject, including when her parents were called "nigger lovers" because they hosted friends from Nigeria, of when in 1982 she reported on Wichita State University fraternities with an unwritten rule to rush, but not pledge, blacks; of her reporting on the Haskell Indian Junior College in Lawrence, Kansas, where various tribes violated students' rights; of her work inventing two Spanish language newspapers in Dodge City and Liberal, Kansas; of her parents' time as dorm parents in a missionary school in Zaire (now Congo) which was overrun during the slaughters; her time in a St. Louis ghetto; of her participation in producing Shakespeare Festival shows and RAISE YOUR SELF IMAGE programming at DOM, and prior newspaper efforts to hire and train minority reporters in Western Kansas.

The point? People who call other people racist without knowing whom they slander should shut up. It doesn't help anything and sometimes they are wrong.

Published: 9/24/2011 0 Comments
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Producer: prhoads
Locally Produced: Local Production
Theme: Community Issues and Advocacy
In Project: Brainiacs
License: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Generic
Rating: TV-G
Language: English