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CCDC Part 2
In Project: Brainiacs

Part 2 of Brainiacs' interview with Kevin Williams, legal counsel of Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition, and Sheryle Hutter, volunteer lobbyist for CCDC, is today.

Part I was LIVE on Friday, and it is in the archives at www.denveropenmedia.org/project/6254/shows.

Williams discusses HB 1152 which died, which was civil rights for disabled people. Williams reviews his perspectives on the status quo in Colorado for the disabled. Whenever he can get a word in edgewise while Host Paula Rhoads interjects her own experiences in the Colorado Worker's Compensation system.

The guests and host review bills that are passed and signed by the governor, as well as bills that have met "concurrence" of both houses, which means they are headed to the governor's desk, but not yet signed or vetoed.

Citizens may review these bills at Colorado.gov or get free copies at the Bill Room in the Legislative Services Building immediately south of the State Capitol.

Citizens can also email or call the governor to encourage his signature.

Also check out BrainiacsEXTRAmay222010, which is 35 minutes of Paula reading bills that have been signed and others that are only in concurrence so far.

Published: 5/22/2010 0 Comments
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Producer: prhoads
In Project: Brainiacs
License: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Generic
Rating: TV-MA
Language: English