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Brainiacs Review 1-28-12
In Project: Brainiacs

Selected scenes from previous Brainiacs shows fill the hour, including Scott LaPoint's interview with Jacob McGhee, a semi-pro skateboarder, on whether to wear helmets to prevent brain injuries or not;
and a bit of Former First Lady of Colorado Jeannie Ritter speaking in 2007 to the Brain Injury Association of Colorado's annual Vail Conference;
and a bit of Nurse Carol Hinrich, speaking to Hangout, and expressing real human compassion for the people who happen to be disabled by brain injuries, in a moral attitude that continues to diverge from that of many in Colorado society; and
a bit of "HANG THE BASTARDS" a song written and produced by Trey Parker in his incredible groundbreaking historical tale of Alferd Packer, the wandering man who seems to have eaten his traveling companions in the famous musical: "Cannibal."

Between clips, Paula shares announcements of upcoming programming for people with brain injuries, their families, professionals in the field of brain injury, law enforcement, social workers, and just about everyone else.

Meanwhile, Gov. Hickenlooper is in Switzerland talking about Pinnacol Assurance going private. Is he opening a bank account there for the "gainsharing bonuses" Pinnacol customarily pays?

Published: 1/28/2012 0 Comments
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Producer: prhoads
Locally Produced: Local Production
Theme: Community Issues and Advocacy
In Project: Brainiacs
License: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Generic
Rating: TV-G
Language: English