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BRAINIACS Actions Speak
In Project: Brainiacs

Actions Speak Louder than Words sometimes, including perjury.  Colorado Revised Statutes 8-43-102 indicate that if an injured employee is physically or mentally incapacitated, then any manager, foreman, superintendent, or supervisor with knowledge or notice shall report it to the division within ten days.

Today, Paula shows transcript pages showing her two supervisors, Mike Berry and Pete Havelka, both testifying that Berry reported the accident to Havelka on the date of injury, despite Berry's testimony he did not believe Paula was hurt. OK, he has no medical credentials or any triple tessla MRI to see inside her skull. But the Triple Tessla MRI from Feb. 2011 of her brain does indeed show "focal" areas and "T2 hyperintensity" (blood pools) indicating objective medical proof of physical trauma to her brain.

Today we follow Dr. Kleinman's possible joke that Paula performed quite well as her own attorney, even learning leading questions on the spot. So we'll look at some of those today, and include test results of Paula's deficits to her hearing and memory ability, which may have impeded her ability to understand what Administrative Law Judge Michael Harr told her, as he had to repeat instructions.

Oh yeah, and Dr. Kleinman's testimony that brain injuries do not cause memory problems, so Brett Favre is evidently off base also, if you believe Dr. Kleinman.

At the end, we feature Dr. Kleinman's absolute failure on being able to identify anything from a video of "The Burning Cradle," a show taped in the Denver Public Library of a panel of experts that included Denver DA Bill Ritter, ACLU attorney David Miller, Greig Veeder and others. Also, the panel was moderated by former Colorado Supreme Court Justice Rebecca Love Kourliss. Evidently Dr. Kleinman's memory is shot or, once again, he is an absolute liar. Or senile?

The PUBLIC FORUM episode of The Burning Cradle is being ingested for your viewing pleasure.

BTW, libel is FALSE defamatory comments broadcast or published to an audience which tends to lower their opinion of the subject. Paula demonstrates the validity of her comments by showing transcripts and evidence. If any comment is false, then call station manager Ann Theis or Tony Shawcross, ED, and state specifically what is false, and maybe this show will be removed from availability. 720-222-0159 ex 200 or 203. Michael Harr? Royce Mueller? Dr. Robert E. Kleinman? The so-called "justice" system?

Don't forget that Judge Michael Harr is the brother of Jim Harr, who employed Paula Rhoads Hook in 2001 after the brain injury but  before the hearings, which is a bias, conflict of interest, prejudice and ABUSE OF DISCRETION.

But is there another reason that Judge Harr wrongfully denied her a fair hearing, deleted closing arguments and any rebuttal at all, excluded lots of relevant evidence, obstructed any enforcement of discovery obligations and Judge Jaynes' discovery ORDER, refused to sign subpoenas for Construction Manager Steve Lieber, an eyewitness to the accident, and otherwise obstructed Dr. Hipskind from testifying to interpret the SPECT brainscans?  Hmmmm.  Besides bribes or "financial incentives?"

Statute indicates the APPEARANCE of a conflict of interest is adequate to set aside the false "FINDINGS OF FACT" of that liar Judge Michael Harr. Should we go further with another theory? A much nastier theory?

Or just stick with reporting that U.S. Home Corporation (also known as Lennar Corporation) had three disabling brain injuries on their jobsite in Carriage Club Subdivision in less than three months.

Does "cost containment" mean preventing injuries or just a team of bullies at the Office of Administrative Courts gang raping injured workers to defraud them?



Published: 10/26/2013 0 Comments
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Producer: prhoads
Locally Produced: Local Production
Theme: Community Issues and Advocacy
In Project: Brainiacs
License: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Generic
Rating: TV-G
Language: English