Bernie's Colorado Journeys; travels to the PA National Civil War Museum - show #35

Hi this is your host Bernie J of Bernie's Journeys, “Seeing America First”. I’m still traveling America doing my Colorado travel talks at RV shows. Recently I passed thru Harrisburg PA. In a show I recently posted about my journeys in Dayton OH I shared with you that I “dumbed’ into the Packard automobile museum. So, knowing that I was going to be in Harrisburg I thought that I would get a little more professional and read what venues written up in TripAdvisor were worth seeing. The one closeted to the RV show was; The National Civil War Museum, it has a 4 ½ bullet rating averaged over 861 Reviews, which makes it #2 of 56 things to do in Harrisburg. Of the 17 museum's galleries the ones I found most interesting were the “First Shots, 1861” because of the floor to ceiling/wall to wall diorama of Fort Sumter, and Costs of War (Civil War medicine), having a life size field hospital having such accuracy that it may not be suitable for younger children. The exhibition covers the period from 1850 to 1876, with its major focus on the Civil War years of 1861 to 1865. Now lets listen in on a museum walkabout with Wayne Motts, the CEO of the National Civil War Museum.

Published: 3/06/2018 0 Comments
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Theme: Talk Radio, News, & Culture
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Language: English