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Brainiacs TBI on TV
In Project: Brainiacs

Why is it funny to show on tv videos of people harming themselves, sometimes possibly causing their own brain injuries? We don't know. But if people are hoping to win $10,000, they should also know that the cost of a disabling brain injury to a young person, over the course of their lives, has been estimated at $2 million or more. Often this cost is born by society.

So maybe we discourage this form of humor? Or at least encourage prevention, because it is far less expensive and tragic, since brain injuries are often not reversible.

Meanwhile, we review a clip with Denver Attorney Steve Shapiro from 2008 when he spoke about that 3 tessla MRI he found useful in showing the difference between ADHD and axonal sheering in the brain. At that time, a 3T MRI was not available in the Denver area. You had to go to Las Vegas. But now things have changed.

Also, Paula contends with the Denver Post editorial column of Mr. Woods on Feb. 11, 2012 regarding Pinnacol Assurance's relationship with the state government, including its contract with the Attorney General, and proposals to use funds for economic development and support of college education, rather than its original purpose of supporting injured workers, providing medical care and lost wages, preventing destruction of their families, etc.

Paula thinks Pinnacol is a corrupting influence that has instead worked for destruction of injured workers' families, wrongful denials of benefits, etc., until the truly disabled are rendered homeless or incarcerated at public expense.

Paula proposes ballot initiatives to fire the Pinnacol Assurance CEO and board, as well as the Worker's Comp Division cost containment board, because these boards exclude the public, which carries the "economic burden" for injured workers denied their benefits.

Toward the latter half of this hour, she shows documents demonstrating the fraud of U.S. Home Corporation and Lennar Corporation attorneys in failing to provide her personnel file in full. Also, she shows how the Administrative Law Judge Michael Harr wrongfully excluded her indisputable factual evidence of lost time, and ignored her pleas about defense discovery violations.

But ... she also found a statute allowing her to sue the worker's compensation division director for failing to enforce that Judge Jaynes' discovery ORDER, which statute also allows suit in a number of courts.

In addition, Paula announces her proposal to repurpose wool garments into wool quilts for inmates exiting the Smith Jail, or perhaps also for homeless people otherwise.

Join us next week at noon Saturday on Channel 56 as we have planned to host former Senator Moe Keller to discuss public policy surrounding Colorado's high incarceration of mentally ill and disabled people. Is this connected to the corruption in the Colorado Worker's Compensation system? Paula thinks so.

Published: 2/11/2012 0 Comments
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Producer: prhoads
Locally Produced: Local Production
Theme: Community Issues and Advocacy
In Project: Brainiacs
License: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Generic
Rating: TV-G
Language: English