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The People's State of the Union Part II

''The Noshing with Nina Show'' hosted a story circle as part of the 2018 ''People's State of the Union'' sponsored by the United States Department of Arts and Culture (USDAC). Most years, the President delivers a State of the Union Address highlighting the past year, and priorities for the coming year. In a year that's seen more polarizing slogans and soundbites, more demonstrations and heated debates than ever, looking each other in the eye and sharing our stories matters even more than usual. In such moments, being able to cross political divides and to remain in dialogue are worthy challenges. Part II focused on Injustice and Inequality and The Women's Movement and its segments were kicked off by hip-hop artist Nejma Nefertiti and dancer Stine Moen.

Published: 5/21/2018 0 Comments
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Producer: infemnity
Theme: Community Issues and Advocacy
License: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Generic
Rating: TV-14
Language: English