One-blink Town
In Project: J.W. Morris Music

I wrote this song as an homage to those towns that a person hits when thru-hiking a long-distance trail that really turn you into hiker trash.  I also want to send some love to all of this year's prospective hiker trash that had to postpone a dream.


I strolled to the road dusty and tired
But my hitch to town gave me something, got me wired
And I'm up
In a one-blink town

Came off the trail for a resupply
Now I'm sittin' on a curb alone, gettin' high
Doesn't even matter I'm in plain sight, right downtown
I'm not worried 'cause there's not another soul around
Nowhere to go, and no one I know to be found

Could use a trail angel, trail magic, or a friendly face
But have you ever seen such a disgrace!?

Need enough food for three days of trail
But the store shelves look like a rummage sale
And I'm down
In a one-blink town
It's a race just to get a taste of the here and now

Pilfered through the hiker box for food to pack
Unknown mixes in Ziploc bags
Is what's around
in this one-blink town

Guess I'll take my chances, need to make it work somehow
I need to ditch, catch a hitch, and cover some ground

Published: 5/29/2020 0 Comments
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Producer: J.W. Morris
Locally Produced: Local Production
Theme: Music: Folk, Country & Bluegrass
In Project: J.W. Morris Music
License: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Generic
Language: English