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Conscious Empowerment Episode 3
In Project: Conscious Empowerment

Every human being is powerful beyond measure.  It is the nature of our being. This truth cannot be changed, even if one wanted to.  We are spiritual beings having human experiences, the Divine incarnated!  in this thing called life, we are exposed to a variety of experiences, situations, circumstances, and conditions. It was part of the agreement we each made before we were born.  Ernest Holmes was a philosopher, prophet, and mystic who spent his life synthesising universal truths in a way that everyone could use to live a life of love, joy, abundance, happiness, prosperity, courage, creativity, wisdom, change, enlightenment, and success on a moment by moment, day to day basis.  His discoveries have evolved into a religious/spiritual/philosophical movement called Relgious Science, with ministries all over the world.  His publication, Religfious Science, was first published in 1926, with a later edition in 1938.  In this time of ever accerlerating change, Ernest Holmes reminds us that there is something about every human being that never changes, the reality of what we really are.  Unfortunately, a lot of people have forgotten which is a recipe for a very challenging life, at times. Throughout human history, certain individuals have informed, educated, and reminded us of what we really are....Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, Teresa of Avila, Howard Thurman are a few examples.  Some estimates suggest that there are 4,200 religions in existence.  If one were to look very deeply, one would find common denominatiors in each.  Religious Science emphasises the truth and how to incorporate in our everyday life.


Published: 11/09/2018 0 Comments
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Producer: RevAaron
Locally Produced: Local Production
Theme: Faith-Based
License: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Generic
Rating: TV-G
Language: English