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CiviCON Denver- Lightning Talks
In Project: CiviCON Denver

Jon Goldberg: In the past few months, I've heard some horror stories from folks who wanted to move to CiviCRM from competing CRMs and their pricing models.  In this lightning talk I'll share some of those stories and how they relate to the CiviCRM ecosystem. 

Coleman Watts: Coleman will give an overview of the new CiviCRM Stack Exchange site and what it means for the community.

Alice Aguilar: Progressive Technology Project developed an enhancement that brings in a new, much needed, highly-requested, e-advocacy feature with simplicity. The Petition Email extension combined with Cicero allows CiviCRM users to create petitions that are dynamically emailed to the signer's elected represenatives. Now that's integration.

Jeremy Proffitt: Mobius New Media created an API level integration between CiviCRM and Salesforce to allow a client to maintain their existing Salesforce workflow in-house, but improve front-end access to data and manage performance against the Salesforce API limitations. This is a case study covering the considerations and outcomes of that project. Some of the topics include:

  • Scheduled jobs vs. real-time data transactions
  • Syncing option lists
  • Syncing financial transactions
  • Creating CiviCRM events and Participant records with the API 

Parvez Saleh: In this sessions we'll demonstrate how CiviCRM allows integration with both Mailchimp and Outllook.

We'll be covering the following for Mailchimp

  • Overview of the CiviCRM Mailchimp recent developments
  • Demonstration of setup of the extension
  • Examples of integration possibilities between CiviCRM and the Mailchimp Lists
  • How the sync works for both offline and event based changes

For the Outlook integration we'll be covering

  • How the CiviCRM extension works with an Outlook App specifcally created for CiviCRM
  • Curent set of features and a demonstration of the integration
  • Outlook Client compatibility
  • Roadmap for possible additional features

The aim of the session is not only to ensure attendees have a clear understanding of whats possible with CiviCRM and the current suite of extensions but also to demonstrate whats possible with other mail clients/applications. 

Nicolas Ganivet: Contextual help for CiviCRM with the Helptab extension

Jessica Kirsner: Building a New Direction: using CiviCRM to launch a new Mission. 


Published: 10/26/2015 0 Comments
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Producer: Tirone231
Locally Produced: Local Production
Theme: Community Issues and Advocacy
In Project: CiviCON Denver
License: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Generic
Rating: TV-G
Language: English