Repentance and Holiness 8
Published: 03-03-15
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Repentance and Holiness

The Repentance and Holiness program brings you the end-time messages of Jehovah God through Prophet Dr. Owuor.  Dr. Owuor is an end-time prophet and his messages include the prophecies and revelations the Lord has shown him. Some of his major prophecies include the Haitian earthquake, the 2008 global financial collapse, the 2004 Asian tsunami and the recent ebola outbreak. He does not accept offering or donations thereby distinguishing himself from the false prophets, for where in the bible did any of the prophets ask for money? 

Dr. Owuor is currently going all around the world bringing this urgent message of repentance and holiness to the nations. Through repentance and holiness, blind see, deaf hear, cripples walk, tumors dissolve and HIV/AIDs is healed. This is the end-time revival and latter outpour spoken of in the Book of Joel 2:28-32 to prepare the church for the imminent and glorious return of Jesus.

Producer: Repentusa
Language: English
Theme: Faith-Based
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