ESAT Announcement for Ethiopian community
Published: 12-22-10
ESAT is the first independent Ethiopian satellite service tasked to produce accurate and balanced news and information, as well as other entertainment, sports and cultural programming created for and by Ethiopians. And will begin Here in Denver colorado for ethiopian community. ESAT Colorado
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ESAT is the first independent Ethiopian satellite service tasked to produce accurate and balanced news and information, as well as other entertainment, sports and cultural programming created for and by Ethiopians.

ESAT is committed to the highest standards of broadcast journalism and programming and will strive to provide an outlet of expression to all segments of the diverse Ethiopian community worldwide. ESAT subscribes to the central credo of professional journalists that "public enlightenment is the forerunner of justice and the foundation of democracy." To that end, ESAT shall be accountable to its viewers and listeners. And it is re-broadcasting to Colorado Ethiopian community.

ESAT Colorado

Producer: Esatcolorado
Language: English
Theme: Community Issues and Advocacy