Colorado Division of Aeronautics - 25 Years of Aviation Pioneering
Published: 06-21-16

2016 marks the 25th Anniversary of the Colorado Division of Aeronautics. This video documentary takes you through Colorado's early pioneer settlers, then on to some of Colorado's early aviation pioneers including Elrey Jeppesen, Rocky Mountain Airways, and Emily Howell Warner. 

While Colorado was the last state in the Union to create a Division of Aeronautics, the Colorado pioneering spirit remains a mainstay with Colorado Division of Aeronautics. In the past 25 years, The Colorado Division of Aeronautics has pioneered several unique programs and projects that have set the example for the rest of the nation. 

This all couldn't have been done without outstanding people and relationships, a robust aviation system, and the desire to utilize and develop new technologies to make flying in Colorado as safe and enjoyable as possible.

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Colorado Division of Aeronautics

In support of the Colorado Department of Transportation’s development of a forward-looking multi-modal transportation system in the 21st century, the Colorado Division of Aeronautics shall promote partnering with its public and private constituents to enhance aviation safety, aviation education, and the development of an effective air transportation system through the efficient administration of the Colorado Aviation Fund.

The Colorado Department of Transportation Aeronautics Division administratively supports the Colorado Aeronautical Board on issues of aviation safety, as technical advisors, as support of government and individual aviation needs through entitlement reimbursements of aviation and fuel tax revenues and a discretionary aviation grant program, as well as in maintaining the state aviation system plan.

Both the Aeronautical Board and the Aeronautics Division work within the Colorado Department of Transportation to establish and encourage multi-modal aspects in today's transportation.


Producer: Shahn Sederberg
Language: English
Theme: News, Business and Government
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