Broken Arrow - Instant Empire
Published: 03-30-18

We've probably never had more fun writing and recording a song. Thematically Broken Arrow refers to Denver's dive-bar institution, Sancho's Broken Arrow ... a place where we as a band have spent entirely too much time over the years (we blame Lou). The song follow's our somewhat pathetic protagonist around the bars, desperately searching for connection and acceptance. This one's for anyone who's ever been wide-eyed at the end of the night when the bar lights come on and it's time to go home. 


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Broken Arrow - Instant Empire

We've probably never had more fun writing and recording a song. Thematically Broken Arrow refers to Denver's dive-bar institution, Sancho's Broken Arrow ... a place where we as a band have spent entirely too much time over the years (we blame Lou). The song follow's our somewhat pathetic protagonist around the bars, desperately searching for connection and acceptance. This one's for anyone who's ever been wide-eyed at the end of the night when the bar lights come on and it's time to go home. 


Producer: asutterer
Language: English
Theme: Music: Rock, Indie, Punk, & Post
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