So You Want to Create a Podcast
Denver Open Media is Here for You
Conveniently located in the Santa Fe Arts District, our Denver podcast studio is ready to record your show!
Become a Member
Built to empower you and your projects, a Denver Open Media membership is the perfect tool for any Colorado podcaster. Access fully-equipped studios, professional edit stations, cutting-edge post-production software, and field production equipment for free or at some of the lowest rates in Denver.
Learn How to Podcast
Take Our Classes, Elevate Your Podcast
Our classes will teach you basic, intermediate, and advanced podcasting techniques. Together, we'll explore podcast formats, break down the components of a good podcast, learn how to record, and distribute episodes online; all while in a creative environment and with access to one of the most affordable Denver podcast studios.
Our Goal Is to Make You a Self-Sufficient Podcaster
We'll guide every step you take, but we want to help you find your podcasting independence. We've geared our classes to elevate your knowledge so you can produce uncompromising episodes.
Where to find us
700 Kalamath Street, Denver, Colorado, 80204
Right out front, in the alley, and across the street.
Share Your Podcast
Use denveropenmedia.org to distribute your podcast (with our website, you can use an RSS feed to distribute your podcast to other services like Apple Podcasts). You can also request a series timeslot on our radio station, putting your podcast into radios across the Front Range, from Fort Collins to Colorado Springs.
Listen to All-Local Podcasts
We host a variety of Denver-based podcasts, empowering local creators and their stories. You can support local stories by listening.