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Sexpot Comedy's Telematic Universe 1T1B

Welcome to Sexpot Comedy's Telematic Universe, where jokes fly, laughs happen, and words are commonly spoken that cannot be heard during the daylight hours (at least not on television and radio). Please join us nightly from 11:30pm - 1:30am for the Late Night Comedy Block - Two hours of locally produced standup, sketches, interviews, animated shorts and comedic oddities curated by the Denver comedy collective, Sexpot Comedy. This block includes...

- J.A.G.U.A.R. w/ Jay Gillespie & Andy Juett
- Casa De Haha w/ Daniel Reskin ft. Adam Fedyski
- Standup Comedy by John Tole
- "Moist Pork" animated series by Stranger Studios

Curated by Wally Wallace of Sexpot Comedy

Published: 8/16/2018 0 Comments
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Producer: wally
Locally Produced: Local Production
Theme: News, Business and Government
License: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Generic
Rating: TV-MA
Language: English