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unmasksing katrina survivors
In Project: Nation of Islam

<p>New Orleans Ogtober 2 2005 Mr Simmons ,who said his home was destroyer and would never come back ,was riding with his neighors from Ninth Ward on a custornizer monster truck brougth to the city by a private citizen from florida to let the local population get a lock in the area still unpassable to regular cars While New Orieanians in more upscale neighborhoods are being urged toreturn home,their counterparts from the poorest areas hardest hit by Hurricane Katrina are forced to sneak past police checkpoints to see for the first time the renmants of their life.</p>

Published: 3/11/2009 0 Comments
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Producer: CivicAdmin
Theme: News, Business and Government
In Project: Nation of Islam
License: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Generic
Rating: TV-G
Language: English