Planning well for your media projects is crucial to a smooth production and a high quality final product. Come and learn the basics of how to make sure your project is a success! Taking the time to do pre-production correctly will save you plenty of time and resources in both the production and post production phase, yet it's often overlooked by beginning producers as being unnecessary. The Pre-Production Basics class takes students through the process of pre-production for location AND studio shoots. Topics covered are identifying and finding necessary crew members, using your developed story idea to create your interview structure, selecting locations, developing a shoot schedule, and selecting the necessary gear to fit the project. The class will also introduce students to DOM resources, and additional pre-production tools at their disposal. Students do not need production experience to attend the class. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to plan and organize their productions, and create their own pre-production checklists.

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3 seats left
Wednesday, May 10th, 2017
6:00pm - 8:00pm
700 Kalamath Street
Denver,CO 80204